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Home / Technology / Making Sense of Data

Making Sense of Data


Data is actually the plural form for the phrase “Datum,” which in turn implies “a singular item of information,” thus data is typically merely specified as information. This particular information may exist in a variety of formats: as bits and bytes saved electronically, as words on paper, or perhaps as simple facts hovering about within your head.

Certainly there is a difference when comparing data and information, though. Whilst information, data, and also knowledge are really strongly associated phrases, there really is a distinction. Data is actually the things that are gathered in order to produce information that ultimately results in knowledge.

For instance, the title for a computer game is actually data, a report regarding the playing the game is actually information, and useful guidance about ways to play the game is actually knowledge. Within the majority of environments, this particular difference is going to be unimportant and the phrases will be made used interchangeably.

Data may be qualitative or quantitative and may be analyzed, visualized, or measured. Data generally undergoes some form of distillation procedure, helping to make legible as well as meaningful information from varieties of characters or numbers, frequently referred to as “raw data.” Although this is really the plural format for the phrase, itis utilized as a single noun within the majority of discussions. More scientific conversation or writing will definitely deal with data as plural, nevertheless.

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