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Home / Health / What Are the Causes of Prostate Cancer?

What Are the Causes of Prostate Cancer?


Although clinical advances are made on a daily basis, clinical specialists still do not truly understand precisely what leads to prostate cancer. The good news is breakthroughs in medical diagnosis as well as treatment methods when it comes to prostate cancer look extremely promising.

Likely Triggers of Prostate Cancer

A number of men inherit the hereditary prostate cancer gene 1, or maybe the HPC1 gene. Unhealthy developments in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes may potentially help to make a male much more vulnerable to prostate cancer. Androgen, the male hormone which sustains healthy and well balanced development in regard to the prostate gland may also trigger cancerous cell growth within the prostate gland.

A few specialists believe that IGF-1, or the insulin-like growth factor hormone, might also increase the threat of prostate cancer. Some other individuals think that a male that has actually been subjected to toxins or possibly radiation could experience mutations in prostate cells. Swelling may even increase the threat from getting prostate cancer.

Danger Signs

Not many males get prostate cancer prior to the age of forty. The chances escalate considerably from the age of fifty. A male whose brothers or father have been diagnosed with prostate cancer are at a greater threat when it comes to developing it.

There is a little evidence that males that consume a great deal of animal protein are generally also at greater threat, however the threat of having cancer does not appear to increase in males that are overweight.

Males that smoke cigarettes do not appear to have an increased threat either. The threat is not really increased when it comes to males that have experienced prostatitis, vasectomies, or even sexually transmitted diseases.

On-going Research into Prostate Cancer

Clinical scientists are constantly searching for improved techniques in order to identify and also treat prostate cancer. Currently, specialists are researching specific genes which might help make a male much more vulnerable to the cancer and also genes which may place a male susceptible to the cancer cells spreading.

Specialists are at the same time taking a look at dietary as well as lifestyle patterns which could protect against prostate cancer. Research studies have actually revealed that the lycopene located in tomatoes and also isoflavones located within soy beans might help to protect against the cancer. There is additionally evidence that vitamin D may offer protection to aggressive prostate cancer cells.

Clinical specialists are starting to dispute the reliability concerning the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) examination. The examination might deliver excessive inaccurate positives as well as negatives. The clinical specialists are attempting to help make the PSA examination far more precise and create examinations which are able to locate irregular genes.

Much more precise diagnostic techniques are on the horizon. Rather than ultrasound examination assessments, medical professionals may make use of a colored Doppler examination to identify tumors within the prostate gland.

Specialists are also seeking improved medical treatments when it comes to prostate-related cancer whilst it is still within the very early stages. One particular treatment solution bombards the cancer cells using heat supplied by means of ultrasound. Drug therapy treatment is also being improved to make it more reliable at eliminating the cancer cells whilst reducing negative side effects.

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